National Holiday Days.
Nicaragua is
characterized by being one of the countries that has more holidays throughout
the year. They are local festivals in different localities of the country, national holidays and also international
Some of the most important holidays are:
- 1 January, New Year
- 24 March, Holy Thursday
- 25 March, Good Friday
- 1 May, International Workers' Day
- 19 July, National Liberation Day
- 19 July, Day of the Armed Forces
- 14 September, Battle of San Jacinto
- 15 September, Independence Day
- 2 Novembe,r Day of the Dead
- 8 December, Immaculate Conception (La Griteria)
- 25 December, Christmas
- 31 December, End of year
January 1 New Year
8 December Immaculate Conception